Friday, November 19, 2010

ClickandMake-Up’s 150 Follower Giveaway

Join ClickandMake-Up's 150 Follower Giveaway! Fabulous Gift Set Awaits! Click Here!

Stephanie's Birthday Giveway!

Stephanie is Giving Away Some love to her Followers! For her Birthday Giveaway click here!

'love it! :)

YouVE Got face's November Giveaway

Want what You see?? Join YouveGOtFace's November Giveway!

Camilla Monique's first Free Giveaway

Camilla Monique is Giving Away Gifts! Click Here!

I've joined her promo & you should too.. Awesome huh?!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Turn yourself into a Poker pro..

Okay, nailing down the concept of poker is not an easy feat, so if you understood the rules of the game and had a pretty nice grasp of its concept, then, very good for you. But if you’re thinking that given the newly acquired knowledge you just had, you can start trumping the pros on a big poker tournament table a few weeks from now, well, you see, I’ve got news for you, think again! Poker is a highly entertaining game, though the rules are pretty easy to digest, mastering it requires a lot of patience, experience, guts and a great player strategy. Poker pros spent a big amount of their time perfecting what they consider their craft; varying their strategies and learning to read and decipher the actions of their opponents so they can turn those to their own advantage. These poker professionals are not made overnight and certainly, a handful of winnings won’t instantly make you the next big poker star; well, at least not yet. But dreaming big means investing on that dream and working harder to achieve it.

First is to gain lots of exposure. Practice. Start with low-key poker tournaments, then work your way to the top. You may not always win but at least you’re getting a lot of experience. If you continue on doing this, you’ll soon hit it big in no time.

Second, learn to discipline yourself. Manage your actions well. Remember that your competition is observing you ever so slightly so they can catch a hint of what kind of hand you might have. Be patient. You can’t possibly bet on every hand that you’ll get, you’ll need to sit some out and wait for a good one to arrive.

Third, exercise proper etiquette. Poker is a strategy game, it requires concentration from players. Rude remarks, taunting, or improper gestures towards another player are not tolerated; these may cause you to get eliminated from the game.

Lastly, make sure to have fun. Pros might be playing for massive amounts of money but they still need to have fun once in a while, after all that’s what playing poker is about – fun.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


inevitably, it follows..why is it so hard to let go of the things you've grown familiar with??..same with people..why can't everything stay the same?/..well, the best thing to do i guess is to be content with the fact that ultimately, you have been a part of their've contributed to that certain factor that helped them shape their own they really came and went away; sometimes without you even noticing it..LONELINESS is for the weak..and as a friend of mine always say: "its just a state of mind".

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Reality bites..

I'm 28..Im single..Im fab..I think Im living the Carrie Bradshaw lifestyle in the Sex in the City series. At first glance, many people might easily want to trade their lives with mine..Why? Im earning way more than the average worker. Finally, I landed a job that allows me to do something I'm actually good at..The company I belong to just went public a few months ago, they awarded their employees with stock options, and my first dibs at the stock market produced me quite a handsome amount of money without me having to break any sweat. How awesome was that?

Well as they say, easy come, easy go..That was money I got for free; my company just so happened to be nice enough to endow something to their employees who stood by them from the ground up. I was one of those. Eversince getting that lumpsum, I partied..I partied..and partied some more..I went on shopping sprees and bought stuff I don't have a need for (which is so typical of me, only this time, it was blown way out of proportion)..Now, those things are just sitting in my closet or my desk, waiting to be put into good use (which I doubt that it'll be anytime soon). I had a very good two weeks, until one morning, I woke up and realized what a big dumbass I had been. The money I spent, which can equate to half a year of my salary was nearly all gone. That was when reality and guilt hit me. There I was partying and oblivious to the fact that Ive been dirt poor once before. It was not a good feeling. I deserved a break, yeah, but not over-indulge to the point of breaking. Too much of anything can't be that good. Right there and then, I made a pact with myself to salvage anything I can.

The following morning was the start of a new & reformed me..Im pretty happy..I made a few investments with what was left of my money. I decided to live my life in moderation..lessen my partying ways, scrimp sometimes on the things that I buy, especially the mundane ones. Give back (yeah, I know what you're thinking, this was too "ambassador-ial" for me; hehehe... ).

Sometimes, we all get too caught up with the happenings on our lives that we forget to be thankful for the things that really mattered. It took me a while to realize this, but improving for your own betterment is always a welcome change in anybody's life.

Be smart. Take control of your destiny. As Vince Lombardi once said "Your attitude determines your altitude".